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CTET 2024 ] Evs Pedagogy Notes PDF by Himanshi Singh : in Hindi & English

CTET, or the Central Teacher Eligibility Test, is a national-level exam conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for candidates aspiring to become teachers in government schools. The CTET exam consists of two papers, Paper-I and Paper-II, and both papers test candidates on various subjects, including Environmental Studies (EVS). The EVS section of CTET tests candidates on their understanding of environmental education, natural resources, and the impact of human activities on the environment. Therefore, it is essential for candidates to have a thorough understanding of the CTET EVS syllabus before starting their preparation. The syllabus provides a roadmap for candidates to cover all the important topics and concepts and ensures that they don't miss out on any essential topics.


CTET 2024 ] Evs Pedagogy Notes PDF by Himanshi Singh : in Hindi & English 

  • The CTET EVS syllabus covers topics related to environmental education, natural resources, and their conservation.
  • The syllabus helps candidates to focus on important topics and concepts and prepare accordingly.
  • Understanding the CTET EVS syllabus is essential to score well in the EVS section of the CTET exam.

Also Read: CTET Exam Analysis

CTET EVS Syllabus - Important Topics 


The CTET EVS exam is an important component of the CTET exam, and candidates need to score well in this section to clear the exam. To prepare well for this section, candidates should focus on the important topics from the CTET EVS syllabus. The importance of these topics lies in the fact that they are frequently asked in the CTET EVS exam, and a good understanding of these topics can help candidates score well. Focusing on important topics can also save time and effort during the preparation phase. Therefore, it is essential for candidates to identify and study the important topics from the CTET EVS syllabus. Some of the important topics from the CTET EVS syllabus are:

  • Environmental Studies and Environmental Education
  • Natural Resources and their Conservation
  • Environmental Pollution and its Control
  • Social Issues and the Environment
  • Health and Hygiene
  • Pedagogical Issues and Approaches in Teaching EVS.

CTET Notes in Hindi & English - Download PDF

CTET Notes PDF in both Hindi and English languages for the convenience of the candidates. The CTET Notes PDF contains all the important topics and concepts from all the subjects included in the CTET exam, including EVS. The syllabus PDF is well-structured, easy to understand, and covers all the important topics that candidates need to prepare for the exam. The CTET Notes PDF in Hindi and English provided by us  can be downloaded for free, and candidates can refer to it during their preparation to stay on track and ensure that they cover all the essential topics. 

Evs Pedagogy Notes PDF by Himanshi Singh : in Hindi & English 

Here you can download Evs Pedagogy Notes PDF by Himanshi Singh : in Hindi & English for CTET 2024 in free .


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All subjects Notes in hindi & English 

Unit-wise EVS syllabus for CTET Paper 1: Check Out Now!

To prepare for the EVS section, candidates must have a thorough understanding of the unit-wise EVS syllabus. The unit-wise EVS syllabus for CTET Paper-1 covers various topics related to environmental studies, natural resources, and the impact of human activities on the environment. The syllabus is divided into two units, each focusing on specific aspects of environmental studies. The unit-wise syllabus for EVS is given below:


  1. Family and Friends: Relationships, Work and Play, Animals, Plants
  2. Food
  3. Shelter
  4. Water
  5. Travel
  6. Things We Make and Do

Pedagogical Issues 

  1. Concept and scope of EVS
  2. Significance of EVS integrated EVS
  3. Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
  4. Learning Principles
  5. Scope & Relation to Science & Social Science
  6. Approaches of presenting concepts
  7. Activities
  8. Experimentation/Practical Work
  9. Discussion
  10. CCE
  11. Teaching material/Aids 
  12. Problems

Topic-wise weightage for CTET environmental studies syllabus

Knowing the topic-wise weightage of the CTET Environmental Studies (EVS) exam is crucial for candidates who are preparing for the CTET exam. It helps candidates to plan and strategize their preparation accordingly. By understanding the weightage of each topic, candidates can focus their efforts on the topics that carry more marks, ensuring that they have a better chance of scoring well in the exam. Additionally, candidates can allocate their time and resources to study and prepare for the topics that are more important, instead of spending equal time on all topics. The topic-wise weightage for the CTET EVS exam is given below:

Environmental Studies: 30 Questions


No. of Questions

  • Content 
  1. Family and Friends: Relationships, Work and Play, Animals, Plants
  2. Food
  3. Shelter
  4. Water
  5. Travel
  6. Things We Make and Do

15 Questions

  • Pedagogical Issues
  1. Concept and scope of EVS
  2. Significance of EVS integrated EVS
  3. Environmental Studies & Environmental Education
  4. Learning Principles
  5. Scope & Relation to Science & Social Science
  6. Approaches of presenting concepts
  7. Activities
  8. Experimentation/Practical Work
  9. Discussion
  10. CCE
  11. Teaching material/Aids
  12. Problems

15 Questions


30 questions

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